P365 – Day 152 working from home

One of the things I like about my work is that, even before Juniordwarf arrived, I’ve had a lot of flexibility in terms of shorter hours and opportunities to work from home. It’s been great as I’ve been able to work part-time and spend time with Juniordwarf, which is really important to me.

Because I’m only at work for the equivalent of three days a week, little things that might take up an hour or two take out a relatively higher proportion of my work time than they do for my full-time colleagues. I still have to deal with them, but I have to try and wrap those things up as quickly as possible. When the little things become big things – which they can very easily do – the major projects that I’m focusing on tend to take a back seat, and I start to lose focus and miss deadlines, which I hate to do.

Sometimes, when I have a project that I need to focus on fairly intensely, my boss is really good about letting me work at home so I can keep out of the day to day distractions of the office and concentrate on the project.

Today was one of those days.

On reflection I don’t know if I achieved a lot. I spent a lot of the day talking myself through the issues (yeah, I do that!), writing stuff down on paper, drawing flow charts, reading some incredibly uninteresting reports, learning how my iPhone calculator works, and discovering that no one else seems to have done the work that I’m trying to do, so there’s nowhere for me to really jump off and into this project.

It’s a bit scary, because it seems to make the job all the more difficult, and I don’t have a lot of time. But it also gives me a blank slate to work on, which makes things interesting.

So maybe I didn’t finish the day with anything nicely typed up for my boss, but I did make a start and I think I have some stuff I can use to get this project going now.

It was freezing today! I sat for most of the day in my study/scrapbooking room wearing my thermals with the heater on and the door shut.

The fog lifted around lunch time and I went out for a walk to try and take a couple of photos while the hills were still, but only just, shrouded in fog.

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