Category: moods

Arising and falling away

A sunrise 28 October 2021 I could see a red glow in the sky when I went out for my walk, which told me that this morning I might like to walk to the beach. When I got there, I was surrounded by an intense display of red and...

Week 40/2021: a week off

Week 40/2021: Week of 4 October 2021 I didn’t have a focus area to do better in this week. It was week 2 of school holidays and I worked on Monday, then had the rest of the week off with Kramstable. I didn’t do much work on my 21...

19 for 2019: week 23 update

Week of 3 June: Sunday 9 June 2019 My work has been incredibly busy the last month. I have been putting in long hours, not taking proper breaks and not taking very good care of myself. I haven’t been walking, I haven’t been drinking enough water, I haven’t been...

The not such a good day

This morning, after I had watched the sun slip over the horizon, I wrote: I was feeling great about everything I was doing until yesterday when a few curve balls stopped me in my tracks and I no longer felt like I was in a good place. So today...

Black & white #3

I’m starting to lose track of the days in my black & white photo project. I think this is day 22. Here are the next seven in the series....

and so, this self-care thing is hard

After yesterday’s post about how I’m not looking after myself (I’m starting to sound like that frozen meals ad, yeah?) I got a lot of supportive comments from my friends, both real life and online. I felt very touched that people were concerned about me. They all said pretty...

stuck in a rut

I have a confession to make. I’ve crashed and burned.  It isn’t easy to commit this to writing, since last year I was so proud of myself about finally finding the spark I needed to get up and start exercising and having started to do the work I want...

P365 – Day 342 – running (Flashback Friday)

I thought I might try out the Flashback Friday concept and see how it works. I first saw the idea on Nicole’s blog a while ago and I think it fits in quite well with the ‘Past-Present-Future’ theme of my blog. Ok, so today is actually Thursday, not Friday, but this...

P365 – Day 229 – a little bit of self-indulgence

This book was recommended to me by a counsellor I was seeing a couple of years ago. I got a short way into it, then it all got too hard and I didn’t have enough time to devote to it. Eventually everything fell by the wayside, and I forgot...

P365 – Day 190 – puddles (9/7/2011)

In the depths of a wintery afternoon, feeling like I might never shake this state of melancholy I have recently found myself experiencing,  I had to get out of the house. Freezing, windy and wet. Not anyone’s idea of a good time to take a leisurely Saturday afternoon stroll....