Category: Project 365

P365 Day 15 – the jungle (15/1/2011)

Our back yard has a fenced off section behind “Slabs’” home brew shed that is ‘mine’. I have my own tin shed, which is filled with gardening tools, seeds, magazines, sporting equipment and old furniture that we don’t have a home for any more. It’s a prime target for...

P365 Day 14 – look up! (14/1/2011)

Whenever I’m going anywhere, I want to get there as quickly as possible. I hate it when people dawdle along on the footpath or meander all over the place, and I especially hate it when they stop suddenly in front of me. Sometimes, when I’m in a rush and...

P365 Day 13 – walking the dog

One of my Happiness Project resolutions has been to walk for 30 minutes each day. Ideally with sleepydog. Over the holiday break, we had family visiting, we over indulged somewhat, and I’m still having trouble getting back into some kind of normality (aka routine). This week I finally got...

P365 Day 12 – not a good drying day

Before the holiday break I used to have a washing routine. I’d do one load on Monday night when I got home from work, hang it out in the morning and juniordwarf (who loves to help with the washing) and I would put the next load on so it’d...

P365 Day 11 – the story of the brown pen

Almost from the time that I started scrapbooking, I’ve been looking for a brown journalling pen. Black pens are all over the place. Take your pick. I have about six of ’em, of various sizes and brands. There is a pen colour that is sort of brown. One pen...

P365 Day 10 – the pile is still there (10/1/2011)

This is the pile of clothes and other miscellaneous clutter that remains untackled after the weekend. It’s the pile of stuff I was going to deal with on Saturday, but I went to the tweetup instead. It’s the same pile that sat there all day Sunday while I wasted...

P365 Day 9 – I wasted time (9/1/2011)

John Lennon once said, ‘Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted’. I don’t know when he said it or the circumstances that he said it in; whether it’s one of his lyrics or something he said. But I don’t really care where it comes from – it’s a view...

P365 Day 8 – tweetup (8/1/2011)

Today I moved out of my comfort zone in a big way. I’m not comfortable talking to people I don’t know, and I don’t much like being in groups of people. Being around people for any length of time drains my energy. I need a lot of time by...